This paper discusses the work of the historian Sergio Buarque de Holanda, especially on how human societies and the natural environment have affected one another.
Ciclo de conferencias: internacionalismo y salud global
Octubre 2016 Para ver el PDF completo En HCS-Manguinhos: Cueto, Marcos. Activismo estadounidense en la historia de la salud internacional. Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos, Set 2016, vol.23, no.3, p.914-916. ISSN 0104-5970 Cueto, Marcos. Imágenes de la salud, la enfermedad y el desarrollo: fotografías de la Fundación Rockefeller en Latinoamérica. Hist....
Calls for Papers: History of Nursing
The conference to be held next year in NY, will gather researchers interested in in any area of nursing and healthcare history
History of tropical and neglected diseases from the 19th to the 21th centuries
The Symposium aims to promote broader reflections about these diseases on the national and international agendas.