La sede será en la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL), los días 9, 10 y 11 de noviembre de 2016.
Red latinoamericana de blogs de ciencia
La red nace con el propósito de reunir esfuerzos de divulgación científica realizada por blogueros de diversos países latinoamericanos.
A convenient way to give birth
The article discusses the development of the cesarean sections techniques in Brazil and its widespread use.
Fiocruz hosts international events on global health, ethics and leprosy
5-6 May 2016. Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro
A picture of the baby
This case study analyses the effects of ultrasound scans in women and babies in three Brazilian hospitals.
The medicalization of the body
HCS-Manguinho’s latest edition explores the effects of medical interventions in people’s bodies and lives.
2017 DHST prize for young scholars
Each Prize consists of assistance with travel and accommodation expenditures to the 25th IUHPST/DHST Congress in Rio de Janeiro in July 2017.