Calls for Papers: Voices of Madness

Centre for Health Histories, University of Huddersfield. 15th– 16th Sept 2016

Through the Brazilian Wilderness

The book, fully available online, is an account of the scientific expedition of Theodore Roosevelt and Cândido Rondon through the Brazilian Amazon in 1913-1914.

Call for Papers: 45th Congress of the International Society for the History of Medicine

The congress will be held in Buenos Aires on September 5-9, 2016.

La campaña política en internet: el caso de España

Este estudio analiza las informaciones publicadas en sitiosweb y blogs en las últimas elecciones generales españolas, en 2011.

Convocatoria de artículos sobre la Nueva Historia Social de la Salud y la Enfermedad

Los Artículos serán parte de un libro electrónico a ser publicado por EUDEM, la editorial de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata.

Employment opportunity: Associate Director for Latin American Studies

Center for Latin American Studies, University of Pittsburgh.

Charles Wagley Papers

This collection contains field notes, maps, drawings, correspondence, publications, and photographs of the research projects undertaken by him in Brazil and Guatemala.

Liberalism in the Americas

This digital archive traces the rise and consolidation of liberal ideology and practice in Latin America during the long nineteenth century.

Salud pública en el México porfiriano

Ana María Carrillo hace un balance de los alcances y limitaciones de la salud pública del porfiriato, la cual se vio interrumpida de manera abrupta por la revolución iniciada en 1910.

Research and innovation in Latin America

This article investigates the development of a biotechnology aimed at cleaning Amazon soils contaminated with oil.