Brazil confirms link between zika virus and microcephaly in babies

A total of 739 suspected cases of newborn babies with microcephaly have already been identified throughout Brazil so far this year, compared to 147 diagnosed cases in 2014.

Medicine confronts violence

The digital exhibition “Confronting violence: improving women’s life” shows the struggle of US activists to include domestic violence within the context of health issues.

Convocatoria para el ingreso a la Carrera del Investigador Científico del CONICET

Hasta el 17 de diciembre se encuentra abierta la convocatoria de ingreso a la Carrera del Investigador Científico del CONICET.

In the Trenches of the Intellectual Front

André Felipe Cândido da Silva analises the articles written by the Brazilian researcher Henrique da Rocha Lima during the First Great War, who combated the idea that Germany was causing the war.

El nuevo gobierno argentino y la salud

Hugo Spinelli analiza las tendencias de Mauricio Macri para la salud.

Digitised mental health care archives

The Wellcome Trust webstise holds online material on mental health, including information about UK institutions, patient diaries, artworks and photographs.

Otra concepción sobre la salud y la enfermedad

Un artículo del próximo número de HCSM propone un abordaje filosófico de la salud y de la enfermedad a través de la obra de Kurt Goldstein y Georges Canguilhem.

El ácido fólico y el embarazo: un éxito de la medicina preventiva

El ensayo analiza los estudios científicos sobre una de las malformaciones genéticas más frecuentes y su relación con la nutrición.

History of Medicine: Online Syllabus Archive

The National Library of Medicine’s online syllabus archive collects college and university course programs in the history of medicine and related areas.

Cattle trial cuts human sleeping sickness

Cattle were given parasite-killing drug and area was sprayed with insecticide. This cut cases of human sleeping sickness by 90 per cent in Uganda