El combate de la fiebre amarilla en Guatemala y las bananas

Talia Rebeca Haro Barón discute la intervención de actores locales y extranjeros en el control de la fiebre amarilla y la transformación del conocimiento científico.

La fiebre amarilla y la medicina china en Perú

La investigadora Patricia Palma explora el crecimiento de diversos saberes médicos durante y tras la epidemia de fiebre amarilla en Lima.

Britain’s Forgotten Slave Owners to depict legacies of slave-ownership

Britain’s Forgotten Slave Owners, a documentary looking at the abolition of slavery in Great Britain is based on an online database project; free, publicly available resource.

2015 Bulletin of the World Health Organization now available online

The 2015 edition of the Bulletin of the World Health Organization is now available online.

A history of yellow fever, environment and nationalism in 19th century Florida, US

Elaine LaFay discusses how regional assessments raise questions about meanings of tropicality and cultural understandings of tropical diseases.

The importance of science communication in public health development

New issue of Ciência & Saúde Coletiva discusses the importance of scientific publication in the development of public health.

Amazonian artwork by Wallace and Bates now accessible online

Pencil drawings and watercolour paintings by Alfred Russel Wallace and Henry Walter Bates during their expedition to the Amazon between 1848-1852 are now available online.

Workshop on tropical diseases to be webcasted live

The workshop is part of the project Policies and Practices of Public Health in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Historical Perspective.