Ebola vaccine trial proves 100% successful in Guinea

Rapid development and testing of drug may bring current epidemic in west Africa to an end and control future outbreaks, experts say.

Early medicine in the Wellcome library

With expert articles on disease, disability, weelbeing and other subjects, the Wellcome Library website offers information about medicine and health in Europe before 1700.

Call for papers: History of psycotherapy

Aug 2015 The journal History of Psychology, a journal of the American Psychological Association invites submissions for a special issue on the history of psychotherapy in North and South America.  The history of psychotherapy is a topic that cuts across disciplines and cultures. In North America, psychotherapy pre-dates Freud in the faith healing and liberal...

“Colonies gave more than what they received in return”

Rita Pemberton explains that although the colonies were rich in natural resources, this wealth was not reflected in the population’s health or sanitary conditions.

La fiebre amarilla y el papel central de La Habana en el siglo 19

Steven Palmer hace un recuento del papel central de La Habana en las investigaciones sobre la fiebre amarilla en el siglo 19.

“Race is never silenced in scientific inquiry”

Interview with Tara Inniss discusses how racial categorizations continue to form a major part of epidemiological investigation in the Caribbean and elsewhere.

‘Tuberculosis: A Short History’ now available for free download

The Centre for Global Health Histories publication is now available for free download at the University of York Digital Library.

Secrets of stars unlocked through aluminium

Findings by University of York scientists provide insight into the role massive stars play in the evolution of the Milky Way and the origins of the Solar System.

La cólera, la desinformación y el comercio en Veracruz

Beau Gaitors y Chris Willoughby exploran el problema comercial y sanitario enfrentado por el puerto mexicano en el siglo 19.

The polar chamber and the freezing of Cuba politics

Francisco Javier Martínez-Antonio explains the polar chamber’s way to freeze Cuba in medical and political terms in the 19th century.