This project of the Department of History at the University of York offers information and interviews about the international efforts to eradicate smallpox.
La figura del fumador pasivo y la globalización de la campaña antitabaco contribuyeron la “criminalización” del acto de fumar en Argentina.
The symposium seeks proposals for papers that address visual, historical or contemporary connections among the visual arts, anatomy and medicine from the eighteenth century to the present.
The Wellcome Library holds an online collection of domestic recipe manuscripts spanning the 16th century to the 19th.
El dia 27 de abril de 2015 es el último día para postulaciones para el Premio Latinoamericano ofrecido por la RedPOP-UNESCO.
This website provides significant information on archival collections about Labour History in Latin American countries and the Caribbean world.
La evaluación fue realizada por expertos que participaron en una sección sobre la percepción pública de la ciencia durante la Fapesp Week Buenos Aires.
Vacancy for temporary lecturer in the Department of Public Health and Policy, in affiliation with the Department of History. Closing date for applications: 30 April.