Tropical Diseases: Lessons from History

This publication made by the Centre for Global Health Histories gathers together different types of neglected tropical diseases.

Las medicinas tradicionales en la encrucijada intercultural

En la última edición de HCS-Manguinhos, Carmen Beatriz Loza hace una reseña crítica de “Salud, Interculturalidad y Derechos”, obra acerca de la salud materna en Ecuador.

General Relativity: the comic book

To celebrate 100 years of Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity, Science Magazine launched an interactive digital comic guide.

Job opportunity: Lecturer in Latin American History

The Department of History at Kings College, London, seeks for a Lecturer in Modern Latin American History, tenable from 1 September 2015.

Medicine and Public Health in Latin America

This comprehensive book portraits the historical transformations of medicine and public health in Latin America over four centuries.

Vol. 22 • n. 1 • Jan.-Mar. 2015

EDITOR’S LETTER · text in English | Spanish BIOETHICS AND DIPLOMACY IN THE HEALTH DOSSIER Presentation Paiva, Carlos Henrique Assunção; Santana, José Paranaguá de · text in English | Portuguese ANALYSIS South-South Cooperation: Brazilian experiences in South America and Africa Santos, Roberta de Freitas; Cerqueira, Mateus...

Study analyzes the use of social networks in the assessment of scientific impact

A study conducted by the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland led to the conclusion that scholars tend to use social networks more in the Facebook than in the Twitter approach.

HCSM adopts new system for submission of articles

Click here to find how to submit an article.

Childbirth in Bolivia’s High Plans

Olmo Calvo, a freelance photojournalist from Madrid, documented childbirths of Aymara women in the Bolivian Altiplano.

Tuberculosis: a short history

This publication of the University of York focuses on the disease´s impact from the nineteenth century until the present day.