Medical movies on the web

The project features selected and rare films from the National Library of Medicine´s audiovisual collection.

Sons of the forest

Edited by actor Viggo Mortensen, the book outlines the work of German Ethnographer Max Schmidt and includes photographs he made in Mato Grosso, Brazil and Paraguay between 1900 and 1935.

Participe del relevamiento de cursos de posgrados en América Latina

El objetivo es conocer y dar amplia difusión a los cursos existentes en la región. Los cursos que deseen ser incluidos deben enviar el formulario completo al correo electrónico.

Irritable heart syndrome in medical thought

Researcher Yuri C. Vilarinho, from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, examines the irritable heart syndrome in the context of the American Civil War.

Call for submissions: Public Health and/in the US and Global South

The online journal Southern Spaces calls for essays, photo essays, original documentaries, and digital projects for a forthcoming series about the relationship between public health in and across the US and global South.

Brazilian researchers have successfully tested a vaccine for Chagas disease

Lab mice were observed after being infected with Chagas. While all animals that were not vaccinated died, 80% of those immunized survived.

Sexual excess as a hallmark of Brazilianness

Cristiane Oliveira analyses de discourse of sexual excess produced by Brazilian social thinking in the 1920s and 1930s.

Scientists discuss causes and solutions for Brazil’s water shortage

They criticized Brazilian authorities for inaction towards the water crisis and for lack of transparency. They also warned of the risk of social unrest.

Darwin manuscripts online

The material available in the Cambridge University Library hold nearly the entire collection of Darwin’s working scientific papers.

Fifty years of historical research on tuberculosis

Access a free collection of articles about tuberculosis of the journal Medical History.