Series animadas chilenas ayudan a valorar la ciencia

Fuente: Red Pop Con el propósito de incentivar a las nuevas generaciones de niños y niñas a que descubran y valoren la ciencia como a un tesoro, el Programa Eureka de la Fundación Ciencia & Vida, da vida a dos series animadas científicas infantiles, únicas en su tipo, tanto en su contenido como en el diseño: “Ursi y Magnogeek: Exploradores de otro...

New issue of Social Medicine published

Among other topics, this issue analyze the successes and failures of the Chilean healthcare system under the AUGE plan in rural areas.

Experts question slowing Amazon deforestation trend

Brazilian deforestation is estimated to have fallen 18 per cent this year, but this may be misleading, say experts.

Is your most cited work your best work?

Based on two studies published in Nature Magazine, this article discusses citations and scientific impact.

Family planning in Peru during the 1960s

Raul Necochea provides a novel perspective on population-control programs and discusses the role of the many actors, such as US bilateral aid, Catholic and Protestant churches.

Contagion: Historical Views of Diseases and Epidemics

This online collection provides information on diseases and epidemics worldwide, and is organized around significant “episodes” of contagious disease.