Workshop Tropical Diseases – Call for papers

Call for papers – Tropical Diseases in Latin America and the Caribbean: a historical perspective.
Casa de Oswaldo Cruz / Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Vol. 21 • n. 3 • Jul.-Sep. 2014

GUEST EDITOR’S NOTE · text in English | Portuguese ANALYSIS Between seas and continents: aspects of the scientific career of Hermann von Ihering, 1850-1930 Lopes, Maria Margaret; Podgorny, Irina · abstract in English | Portuguese     · text in English | Portuguese Commercial fishing and the study of marine fauna in Argentina,...

Science as revolution

Science has brought about revolutionary changes in our understanding of ourselves and the natural world, which have acted as major drivers of our culture and civilization. This scientific knowledge has in turn brought about revolutions in the ways that we live and in the technologies that support society. A case can be made that science is the most...

The World Health Organization’s ebola response

Podcast interview with Roberto Bertollini, from the World Health Organization, about their strategy to control ebola.

Cholera Online

The National Library of Medicine has digitized 518 English language monographs dating from 1817 to 1900 dealing with the cholera pandemics of that period.

El início de la fotografía subacuática, 1890-1910

Alejandro Martínez, de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, habla sobre la historia de la fotografía subacuática y su importancia en la ciencia.

How museums affect the brain

Research provides evidence for architecture’s power to induce meditation.

ABEC Brazil and SciELO request the reformulation of the plan regarding the financing of some Brazilan journals by a foreign publisher

November 2014 In light of the complaints put forward during the ABEC Brazil VIII Workshop on Scientific Editing – which took place in Campos de Jordão between November 10-13th and had the participation of more than 300 scientific editors and authors -, the Brazilian Association of Scientific Editors (ABEC Brazil) and the SciELO/FAPESP Program are publicly...

Call for papers: European Social Science History Conference

The European Social Science History Conference to be held in Valencia,Spain, from 30 March – 2 April 2016, welcomes proposals on social history health and environmental history. The deadline is May 1, 2015.

Pick your poison

This online exhibition explores the medicinal and commercial use of drugs in the US throughout the years.