Taller de historia social de la salud y la enfermidad

Rosario, Argentina, 15, 16 y 17  de octubre de 2014 El objetivo de la actividad consiste en analizar la vigencia y la renovación de la Historia de la Salud y la Enfermedad, en torno a tres grandes líneas interpretativas: “La Historia de la Salud Pública”, “La Nueva Historia de la Medicina” y “La Historia sociocultural de la...

International seminar in Rio de Janeiro will discuss society and nature

The Brazilian Academy of Science is organizing a free international seminar on “Society and Nature – dialogue between natural and social scientists on the challenges of sustainability”. It will take place from 30 September to 1 October 2014. This unprecedented encounter aims to promoting the dialogue between social and natural scientists to discuss...

Brazilian scientist Luiz Hildebrando Pereira dies at 86

Luiz Hidelbrando Pereira da Silva was one of the world’s greatest malaria researchers. He was also the founder and director of the Institute for Research on Tropical Pathologies of Rondônia.

Medicine in the Americas, 1610-1920

The National Library of Medicine, offers an online collection with books, documents and researches produced in the US, Canada, Latin American and the Caribbean between 1610 and 1920. Subject areas include women’s health, infant care, mental disorders and homeopathy.

Meet the shortlisted books for The Royal Society prize for popular science writing

Six books that help readers to better understand themselves and the world around them have been selected as the shortlist for The Royal Society Winton Prize for  popular science Books. The winner will be announced on 10 November,  2014. The author of the winning book will receive £25,000.  The first chapter of each book is available to download for free at...

Eradication efforts against global disease will be the focus of an exhibition

Countdown to Zero, a new exhibition about scientific and social innovations that are ridding the world of ancient afflictions, will open at the American Museum of Natural History on January 13, 2015.

Wallace Letters Online

In this collection, the Natural History Museum of London gathered over 5,000 letters to and from the British naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace.

Call for papers: Universidad de los Andes

Th Journal Historia Crítica is calling for unpublished articles in either English, Spanish or Portuguese about music and sound in the historical and social framework.

Ebola in West Africa: the economic implications

At the request of HCSM, Gareth Austin, from the International History Department of the Graduate Institute in Geneva, provides a panorama of the ebola epidemic in Africa.

Social networks and scientific journalism: a challenge to editors

“I am optimistic about the prospect of reaching soon the full internationalization both of the academic journal as well as of its personas on social networks,” says Jaime L. Benchimol, scientific editor of História, Ciências, Saúde Manguinhos .