Are you planning to attend the PCST Conference in Salvador, Brazil, 5-8 May 2014?
Last month the first Cuban physicians arrived in Brazil under a new government programme to work in underserved parts of the country, both rural and urban. Francisco Eduardo de Campos tells Claudia Jurberg why the Mais Médicos (More Physicians) programme is necessary.
Observed by Arthur Neiva in Rio de Janeiro in 1907, the biological and social resistance of malaria sufferers to preventive and curative treatment with quinine was corroborated three years later by Oswaldo Cruz during the construction of the Madeira-Mamoré Railway in the Brazilian Amazon. Likewise in 1910, ailing German workers were transferred from Brazil to...
EDITOR’S NOTE · text in English | Portuguese ANALYSIS Body and society in the Libro de la anathomía del hombre by Bernardino Montaña de Monserrate: an anatomist’s political dream Pedraz, Miguel Vicente · abstract in Spanish · text in English | Spanish Reflections on human embryo research: the debate in Portuguese ethics organizations Alves,...
EDITOR’S NOTE · text in English | Spanish ANALYSIS Malaria as a disease and as a cultural perspective in Carlos Chagas’ and Mário de Andrade’s travels to the Amazon Lima, Nisia Trindade; Botelho, Andre · abstract in English | Portuguese · text in English | Portuguese Between the Carlo R. and the Orleannais: public health and...
Viena, del 18 al 23 de septiembre de 2014 Convocado por La Asociación de Historiadores Latinoamericanos y del Caribe (ADHILAC Internacional) y la Sociedad de Investigación sobre América Continental y el Caribe (FGKK), KonaK de Viena El Congreso se celebrará en los idiomas inglés y/o español. Las propuestas deben enviarse al portavoz del comité...
Pablo Gentili, Secretario Ejecutivo CLACSO El 13 de noviembre 2013, el Congreso de la Nación Argentina sancionó por unanimidad la ley que establece que las instituciones del Sistema Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología que reciben fondos públicos deben crear repositorios digitales institucionales de acceso abierto y gratuito en los que se depositará la...