Vol. 3 • n. 1 • mar.-june 1996

ANALYSIS Metaphors of immunology: war and peace ILANA LÕWY  abstract On technology RICARDO LAFETÁ NOVAES abstract “Better a donkey that bears me than a camel that bucks me… up in Ceara” MARIA MARGARET LOPES abstract The meaning of vaccine or when predicting is a duty MYRIAM BAHIA LOPES abstract Manoel Bomfim and Euclides da Cunha: dissonant...

Vol. 2 • n. 3 • nov. 1995 – feb. 1996

ANALYSIS The formative years of a research scientist: Louis Pasteur LOUISE L. LAMBRICHS abstract Valencia’s cultural and scientific universe in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries and the contextualization of Arnaldo de Vilanova’s work ANA MARIA ALFONSO-GOLDFARB and MARIA A. PILEGGI PERASSOLLO abstract Humors and odors: body order and social...

Vol. 2 • n. 2 • july-oct. 1995

ANALYSIS The decline and emergence of diseases MIRKO D. GRMEK abstract Natural history and eighteenth-century ideas regarding generation and heredity: Buffon and Bonnet LUZIA AURELIA CASTAÑEDA abstract From hygiene to the building of a city: the State and sanitation in Rio de Janeiro EDUARDO CESAR MARQUES abstract  João Cândido’s embroideries JOSÉ...

Vol. 2 • n. 1 • mar.-jun. 1995

ANALYSIS Do objects have history? A meeting between Pasteur and Whitehead in a lactic acid bath BRUNO LATOUR abstract Necessity, objectivity, and the metaphysical paradox of scientific knowledge JOSÉ RICARDO DE C. MESQUITA AYRES abstract Complexity and complex systems MARIO TARRIDE abstract Domingos José Freire and the beginnings of bacteriology in...

‘Possessed’ brain and supernatural phenomena in the 19th century

Mesmer, Braid and Charcot studied trances and spiritual possession. Read the article by Leia Valéria Portugal Gonçalves and Francisco Ortega.

Vol. 1 • n. 2 • nov. 1994 – feb. 1995

ANALYSIS Travel naturalists Miriam L. Moreira Leite abstract  From miasmata to germs: The impact of bacteriology on medical practice in Canadian territory from 1870 to 1930 Denis Goulet abstract Chagas, the logic and the discovery François Delaporte abstract The third border of health: the ‘natural’ ethics Fermin Rland Schramm abstract  A plan on...

Vol. 1 • n. 1 • jul.-oct. 1994

ANALYSIS Ludwik Fleck and the history of science today Ilana Löwy abstract Blood circulation, or the movement in the concept of motion Marco Antônio Porto abstract Aids and aids according to the sciences Kenneth Rochel de Camargo Jr. abstract An adventure in the insane asylum: the life of Franco Basaglia Paulo Amarante abstract Freemasonry and Brazilian...

José Murilo de Carvalho: the Brazilian people have woken up from their lethargy

The Brazilian people have awoken from a lethargy that had lasted since the impeachment of President Collor

Wallace Online

Wallace Online is the first complete edition of the writings of naturalist and co-founder of the theory of evolution Alfred Russel Wallace

Darwin Correspondence Project

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